Fighting Child-trafficking: Empowering Change Agents
One of our most important tactics in fighting against child trafficking in Benin is educating the community. Cases of trafficking fly under the radar, and in a country where the sight of children laboring in fields is a relatively common one, many people are unaware just what a child’s rights are what should happen in cases where a child is mistreated.
For the second year in a row, we decided to organize a anti-trafficking training session, directed at community leaders, with the goal of creating a network of change agents able and willing to identify cases of trafficking and respond in the appropriate manner.
This year’s training was held on July 11-13 and dealt with the topics of trafficking, migration, and child exploitation. A wide array of community members participated, including the police commander, social services representatives, leaders of women’s groups, students, and other local leaders. By the end of the training, participants were committed to doing what they could to combat child exploitation and were aware of the steps that they could take when confronted with such a case.
We’re thrilled to be forming such a dedicated group, ready to change the paradigm that has been putting children in the community in dangerous situations for years. Our sponsors and donors make our work possible, and we thank you for your continued support.