Dagbé releases 2012 Annual Report
We have released our2012 Annual Report, highlighting our accomplishments in providing critical services to children and families in central Benin during our inaugural year.
In 2012, we continued to provide support to children and families impacted by extreme poverty, establishing a formal 501(c)(3) structure to support the operation of our children’s home in Benin and ensure its ability to provide vital services as the only such service provider in the community.
Our team in Benin led efforts to resolve six cases of child trafficking, including child labor trafficking and one heartbreaking instance of sex trafficking. In these cases, it is imperative that we be ready to act at a moment’s notice to ensure the safety and provide a safe environment for the children affected.
We also launched a pilot training program to address the persistent issue of child labor trafficking in the local farming community. Through this program, delivered in partnership with local authorities and the Radio Rurale Locale de Ouèssè, we trained a network of 45 anti-trafficking agents and reached an audience of 15,000+ via community radio. Dagbé plans to continue this program in 2013.
Highlights of our activities:
- Provided for the daily needs of 38 children and families impacted by extreme poverty
- Intervened in 6 cases of child trafficking
- Funded scholarships and school supplies for over 60 children
- Hosted an anti-trafficking seminar, heard by over 15,000 listeners via community radio